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What is Webmail?

Webmail is just another version of email. The main difference is that you read and write the emails whilst connected to the website. Most service suppliers that supply "pop" email services also allow you to use the same address as webmail.

Why use Webmail?

The advantage of webamil is that it can be used anywhere in the world and from any computer in the world providing that computer has an active internet connection.

Webmail is a good tool in the fight against viruses. The emails are kept on the internet and not the local computer you are using, this reduces the chances of infecting the local computer with viruses.

If you have a slow internet connection, using webmail stops the need to download all the emails to your computer, you can read only the emails you want and just delete the rest. This can be of good advantage if you receive a lot of spam mail.

All webmail hosts have good virus scanning software, removing the infected emails from your inbox, this helps with the security of your computer.

With webmail there is very little to go wrong, the only thing you the user need do is remember your Username & Password, all the configuration is done by the webmail host site. Providing your web browser meets the specifications of the webmail host you have all you need to use webmail.

The disadvantage of webmail is that you must be connected to the internet to read your email, even if you have already read an email and you wish to read it again, you must be connected to the internet.

Webmail and Data Hospital

Data Hospital recommends that you have at least one webmail account that is different to your main email address. This reccommendation is in the fight against spam and virus attacks. You may never read the mail on this account, it's what is called a throw away account.

There are many companies that will sell your email address on to others who will then use the address for spam and other unwanted communication. Never give your main email address to companies that state they MAY pass on your details to third parties. Always make sure you read all the informaition presented to you and select or deselect the choice of being on the mailing list.

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